Sunday, June 7, 2009

WinXP on netbooks

So Microsoft are again dictating to hardware manufacturers what they can and cannot use in their products if they want to have Windows XP on them. It doesn't matter if this decision is later reversed, or the story is true or not as it should never have been considered. (this goes for any company, in any market, that tries to restrict others in a similar fashion too).

The restrictions on what hardware you can use to run certain products should be purely technical ones. Just imagine if you bought a DVD or Blu-ray player only to find that it didn't work with your TV not because you needed some connector you didn't have but because it was too big! You'd be furious right?

Thankfully this situation will improved when Windows 7 gets released, but even that OS has restrictions if you use the very lowest end licence version.

The other issue here is that these limits do affect people who buy the non-Windows versions as these machines probably have the same hardware as their Windows counterparts, just a different OS installed.